Seriously.. I am so grateful and love it so so much. I get to travel all the way to Germany (then 2 days later to Croatia) for weddings.  I meet Nino and Friederike in Cabarete, DR when they were there for a year to run One of the Surf Camps. Really a gorgeous couple. Super outgoing and fun couple.  So i had a wedding in Croatia Aug 30th, and then Friederike sent me a message if i wanted to stop by Munich on the way. Perfect timing!! So i was pretty exited to get the chance to do this. Wish i had a few more days than two… Next time! Friederike dress was made by her good friend Mella. Really talented designer. Plain and beautiful dress, Ninos outfit i think is pretty awesome as well. For the day they had with them Kurt, one of the coolest makeup artist i have meet, would be nice to have Kurt with me on every shoot. hehhe. Enjoy.